The ultimate luxury: Inverter ducted heating

In a city such as Melbourne – where we famously gloat to international tourists of our experience of four seasons in one day – there is a heightened importance in ensuring the ambient temperature of your home is kept liveable at all times. Obtaining this up until recently
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Long lasting heating and cooling guaranteed

One of the more pressing issues in our lives and society as a whole, is the reliability of our appliances at home. With durability becoming more of a concern in an era where we are seeing our daily routines become more hectic, seeking a home appliance which possesses long-term warrant
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Australia’s biggest brands leading the way

An often overlooked aspect with many climate solution products is that of the country of manufacture. Whilst international brands and products still represent great value for money, there’s nothing quite like a comprehensive, Australian made, climate control system. This is purely due
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The great qualities of ducted heating

Ducted gas heating has endeared itself to Victorians for decades, and it’s no surprise that Victoria contributes up to one-third of all of Australia’s new ducted heating installations. With the many advantages that gas ducted heating provides, on top of being one of the most cost-effe
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Great experience through Heating and Cooling Melbourne

Experience a Cool Office or Home Through Ducted Cooling in Melbourne Who wants to be bothered with trying to get the temperature control in your home just perfect so everyone in your family is content with their room temperature. In this high tech world we live in, it is the last thin
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Evaporative Cooling Melbourne – What are the Benefits

Even with the increased efficiency of modern day airconditioning units, there are still numerous benefits associated with evaporative cooling in Melbourne. One of the primary benefits is that this form of cooling is in favor of green technology. Evaporative coolers use 90% less electr
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Airconditioning Melbourne Contributes to Healthier Living

There are numerous advantages to modern day air conditioning Melbourne. The most obvious benefit is the level of comfort experienced once you are inside a building that is equipped with air conditioning. Besides, very high temperatures, commonly found in and around Melbourne, greatly
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5 Ways to Enjoy Cheap Cooling in Melbourne

When it is brutally hot and you are looking at all sorts of ways to cope with the sweltering heat and source some cheap cooling in Melbourne. Well, one less desirable way is to fill a bucket with ice and set up a fan so that the cold air can blow over you. Another way would be to scou
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Why Add on Cooling Should be Your First Choice

Indoor cooling becomes invaluable during the hotter than hot summers in Melbourne. You may want to consider making use of add on cooling. You can say that an add on cooler is a little more than just a single fan coil that is installed under your floor, or in the ceiling, hooked to a c
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Time to Replace Your Heating and Cooling Units in Melbourne

At some point or another, your heating and cooling system will either fail, or start malfunctioning. Whenever this starts happening, you know that it is time to either get your heating and cooling unit repaired, or replaced. Now, it is a case of making up your mind whether you intend
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